
Sunday, 6 March 2011

What I Wore: Superhero-Stylee

Just a quickie tonight. I wore this for work last week as I couldn't wait to wear my new Tee from my man. Plus you get a ridiculous superhero-pose/face thrown in for free. I'm good to you.

What I wore:
♥ Wonderwoman T-shirt, bought for me by my boy, I loves it.
♥ Mini skirt, from H&M. Denim in colour, but not in material. I wear this skirt loads, it goes with everything and is a good length.
♥ Ankle boots, you can't really see them, but they are beyond high and seriously sexy.
♥ Red cardi, trusty number from good old Primarni.
♥ Belt, vintage, used to be my mum's, circa the 80s.
♥ Glasses, Jasper Conran, 'cos I'm quite blind without them.

I'm loving that Mac have a Wonderwoman range out atm, has anyone tried it? I might investigate, make up, t-shirt, all I need now is long blue locks, a smokin' bod and superpowers.

Short and sweet tonight because I'm in the middle of cooking a roast dinner, I'm quite domesticated, don't-cha-know. Going to paint my nails and watch the final part of South Riding on the box then an early night. Hope everyone else has had good weekends?


  1. I love the superhero posing! ;)
    The mac WW colleciton looks fab, especially the MSF's


  2. I <3 Super Heroes! X


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