
Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Brow, By Definition

Morning all.

Today I thought I'd talk to you about eyebrows and my never ending quest for the perfect product to get them looking their best.

When I was in school I had a girl tell me 'you'd look quite pretty if you bothered plucking your eyebrows'. So I went home and destroyed them with a pair of tweezers. I over-plucked and was left with barely a thin line above each hideous excuse for eyebrows limped on for years, until I realised said girl (with equally pathetic eyebrows) was wrong and thick eyebrows were actually far more beautiful.

The problem I was left with, was that my hasty plucking has left me, even after years of growing, with uneven brows. So eyebrow pencils and powders have long been very handy. I feel defined brows really 'finish' my face and make me look 'done' - these days I don't feel like me without them! And, yes, they may verge on a 'scouse brow' occasionally, but that is just how I roll...

For the past couple of years I have been using Benefit's Brow Zings, which I love, but I've been on the hunt for a more purse friendly alternative. I came across the StyleBrows by FashionistA (RRP £5) in Superdrug at the weekend. FashionistA isn't a brand I've used before so I was interested to see what this little kit had to offer.

Kit includes:
x3 shades of brow colour
eye brow wax
mini tweezers
double ended brush

The packaging on this product is very neat , clean and simple, which I like. When the clear exterior sleeve is removed the case is matte black with black writing on it, in fact it reminds me of Benefit's Brow Zings' packaging.

The product:
At first I found this a bit tricky to apply, but I am going to put this down to the brush/applicator supplied, which I found was too soft to apply clean strokes. This is also the problem I have had with Benefit's Brow Zings, and I ended up using another brush from my collection, which is firmer and stubbier. Once using my trusty brush with the FashionistA Style Brows product, I found it fine to apply. The darkest colour in this palette isn't as dark as the Benefit one I have been using, but I think I actually prefer this shade. However the powder is a little firmer than I'm used to, which makes it less easy to apply. Like with any brow definer much of the finished result is down to the application technique, rather than the product you can see from my 'before' and 'after' shots I still haven't managed to get them perfectly symmetrical!

I really like the clear wax in the kit and have found this is best applied by dabbing a very small amount with a finger on to any potentially unruly areas. The tweezers, like all of this size, are a bit fiddly, but they do the job and would be handy for a quick tidy up.

In all I think this is a handy little kit that will last me some time, and although the colour isn't as soft and powdery as Benefit's, the finished result is very similar and the colour is more suited to me. For £5 this kit is also a bit of a bargain, and I know those tweezers will certainly come in handy when I am on holiday.

Do you use a brow definer? What is your favourite? Have you ever tried any other items from the FashionistA range & what do you think of them?

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